Rants, Musings, and Mental Meanderings of a former Conservative Christian Mother. Standing Strong against ignorance, preconceptions, labels and excessive housework. Celebrating original thought, religious freedom, parenthood, free enterprise and chocolate.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

If the Old Barn Needs Paint...

I got such a laugh out of this article, Cosmetic Appeal. I don't personally buy the really expensive cosmetics, I'm more of a L'oreal, Maybelline, Cover Girl... and a bit of Avon thrown in for good measure. But, I do know I like (and, dare I say, sometimes really need) my makeup!!! I especially liked the part about her husband sitting and watching her put on makeup, mesmerized by the process. Chad used to do the same thing! He comes from a home where none of the females used makeup, so he found my morning transformations especially fascinating. So, here's to all of us who need to paint a bit of "pretty" on our face now and then! Hey, I love being a girl.


JBBGirl said...

That was too funny...Phil was the same way you described Chad. He just thought it was the strangest thing. Now he has gotten used to it and well sometimes I am lucky if I can make it to a mirrior to put makeup on...ha ha. Thank goodness he loves me with or without! Whew!

Angela said...

Oh yes, I'm so glad I don't have to be all dolled up all the time for Chad to be happy. Some days I am proud of myself if I grab a quick shower and get my teeth brushed...

Melanie said...

So it's all my fault he looked at you like an alien?? lol

Angela said...

Hey, that was rude - An alien?!?!!! Fortunately, it wasn't like that at all. It's not that he doesn't like me to get glam now and then. Not all of us are lucky enough to be able to pull off the natural look without scaring small animals and children. (And I am not one of the lucky ones.)