Rants, Musings, and Mental Meanderings of a former Conservative Christian Mother. Standing Strong against ignorance, preconceptions, labels and excessive housework. Celebrating original thought, religious freedom, parenthood, free enterprise and chocolate.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Not so very long ago...

It's hard to believe that forty years ago interracial marriage was illegal! It's amazing how far we've come in such a relatively short time on matters of race. There are those leaders that like to race-bait, since they would be out of a job if they didn't keep stirring up anger and tension, but overall as a nation I think we've come a long way in embracing equality. Click here for an article about the woman whose marriage paved the way to getting rid of this ridiculous law. I hate to agree with the ACLU on anything, but this is one situation where I applaud the outcome!


JBBGirl said...

Wow! That was a really interesting post. I never knew that interracial marriage was illegal. WOW, I guess you learn something new everyday. Glad it isn't now. That is a shame it ever was illegal. HUGS!

Angela said...

I was surprised at how recently it was illegal! But then, after I thought about it, I realized just how recent the the Civil Rights movement really was. It helps me to be more patient (sometimes) with the "segregated at best, racist at worst" views of the older generation. Not that it's right, but they really are just a product of their culture and era.

Anonymous said...

I actually didn't know it was ever "illegal". I can't say im surprised though! Honestly I wonder if society will ever accept it. As long as I have the support of my family and my hunny, we can get through this! it shouldn't be so hard sometimes...